Clinical Trials


Since its inception over 15 years ago, DermaSilk has always been supported by good quality clinical trials to justify the claims that we make about its performance. We have also had feedback from our customers treating a range of conditions. To read some of our customer testimonials please Click Here

Case Studies

Over the years some of our customers have kept us informed on the use of DermaSilk in helping to manage their conditions, some of this detailed feedback has been featured in the press and as case studies when medical professionals ask for real life representation of the products. Please Click Here to view our case studies.

Clinical Trials

As a Class I Medical Device it is possible to create small scale studies which clearly demonstrate efficacy. In some cases, clinicians have adopted studies which can show the benefit of using DermaSilk versus not using it – on the same patient as the effect is purely local and only affects the quality of the skin which is covered by it.

Other studies are of the more conventional “Randomised, placebo controlled“ type, involving relatively large numbers of patients. All have been peer reviewed and published in highly respected Medical Journals, including the Journal of the British Association of Dermatologists.

One thing is common to all the studies – compared with either cotton control products or Standard treatment regimes, the addition of DermaSilk Therapeutic clothing had the ability to improve the parameters measured in symptom levels irrespective of the disease area being studied.

These papers and clinical abstracts form the majority of the clinical evidence supporting the use of silk clothing as a whole and justifying the place of DermaSilk in a number of European disease management guidelines.


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